Page 1: Another busy year in 2023 - with lots to do in 2024

All our work in early years and childcare remains vitally important.  That is truer than ever.  Last year we said we would be getting ready for the "next big thing" and we were right to say that! 

The sector is being challenged by new ambitions for the expanded early years entitlements, and wraparound childcare developments.  All of that sits alongside workforce supply and wellbeing pressures, the long impacts of the pandemic upon chidlren's development and SEND, and changing needs, supply, and demands for early years and childcare services. And of course we start our 25th year as members of the Thomas Coram Foundation, as we became Coram Hempsall's in November last year.  

At Hempsall's we have been busy on all of that, along with delivering DfE (sufficiency support) and HMRC (Tax-Free Childcare) projects, LA and provider commissions, delivering our early years curriculum offer - hey!, and our usual range of training, consultancy and research offers. 

Coffee Breaks have continued to be the place for regular hot-topic discussions.  We say more about those later.  We welcome your views on their future. 

It's time for our annual ask: how are we doing and what works for you next?

Please answer the following 10 questions, it should only take a few short minutes.